Laws are made to protect people, make them aware of their rights and liberties, as well as to resolve issues, maintain order, and establish standards. There are several reasons why laws are passed, and each one has its own purpose.
These regulations, however, don’t only cover humans. There are also animal laws established so that our furry friends will remain protected, knowing they can’t defend themselves in the way people can.
Sure, several constitutions are for the animals’ best interest, but did you know that there are also eccentric ones? You may even end up asking your lawyers about these laws if you see this list.
If you’re ready to get a headache and think hard as you can, see these five eccentric animal laws that will make you question its purpose.

5. Molesting Cars and Other Passing Vehicles in Kentucky

There’s a law in Kentucky that orders no animal owner shall let their pets do nuisance through actions or a situation. This cannot happen at any time under his/her care, custody, control, maintenance, or possession. What kind of nuisance action can it be?
Fort Thomas’s city lists some of the most expected activities that you can think of, but there’s one thing that seems to be out of the ordinary. Aside from chasing people and damaging other properties, it also includes molesting pedestrians or other passing vehicles.

4. Unlawful Taking Rabbit and other Animal Photographs between January and April in Wyoming

It’s pretty understandable if you love to take photographs of the cute little rabbits anytime and anywhere, but you can’t do it in Wyoming. You’ll probably end up in jail and need an attorney’s help if you do this in the said state between January and April.
If you want to take one, you need a permit to do so and pay $5 to the State Game and Fish Commissioner. This will finally let you take cute photographs of any game animals or birds you want to in Wyoming.
Fortunately, this 1921 rule is already scrapped, so everyone’s free to do this without the hassle of applying for permits and shelling out money.

3. Prohibiting Cats and Dogs in Public Cemeteries in Wisconsin

Today it’s a common sight to see people taking their much-loved cute animals, like cats and dogs, when visiting their departed loved ones in cemeteries. In Wisconsin, however, they’re not allowed to do this.
It’s against the law to bring cats and dogs into the public cemeteries, per the city’s code of ordinances. You don’t have to mess with their lawyers, though, as there’s an exception. Trained service and assistance dogs owners can bring their pets if they want to, but the punishment remains to be seen for the transgressors.

2. It’s Illegal to Keep Smelly Animals in Illinois

If your dog hates the bath, you may need to force them to, especially if you live in Galesburg, Illinois. The city’s ordinance noted no person should keep or maintain any animals, either poultry or fowl, that will cause inconvenience or disturbance to others due to noise, odor, or any other causes.
You don’t have to worry, though; no one has ended up in jail for this—just yet. Galesburg Police Chief Dave Christensen said in a 2012 interview that they rarely enforce this ordinance, aside from the “occasional chicken complaint.” Anyhow, it may be even better if the animal owners here will make an investment in keeping their pets clean and smelling good.

1. It’s Illegal to Give Live Animals to Encourage Someone to Join A Bingo Game in Georgia

No person shall give someone a live animal to encourage them to join any games in Georgia. If they do so, they may end up in jail.
The city’s code of ordinances prohibits everyone from giving the live animals away as a prize to invite anyone to join any contest, game, or any other competition. This also includes inducing people to enter amusement parks and using live animals as an incentive to enter any business agreement or by attracting trade. If they want to put their investment money into something good, it may never involve any live animals.

Based on materials from Paw Culture
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